Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Morning of the Sheep..

When you live in the country sometimes the unexpected happens! Today, my older two boys left for school. A few minutes latter I noticed that they were standing on the end of our drive and had not made it to the bus stop yet. Knowing the bus would be here soon, I went outside and told them to get moving and go to the bus stop and why were they just standing there. They quickly told me that they could not go because a million sheep were coming down the road! I thought they were pulling my leg so I took a peak and sure enough this is what I saw!

I guess the crossing happens a few times during the year, the sheep herders use our street as the way to get the sheep back and forth. It was the coolest and craziest thing I have ever seen, it did make for an exciting morning for us and our neighbors as no one could leave or move anywhere while the sheep were crossing.

One of my friends saw my picture and she brought up a good thought to go with it on patience. She said "Makes life even funner when you're in a hurry to get somewhere I'm sure...how nice to be empowered by the value of patience!!" I think she was looking at the bus and how it could not go anywhere, I am sure the bus driver was in a hurry to get to the bus stops on time and get everyone to school on time, but what could he do? He certainly had to have patience.
I guess its just one of the many perks of living in the country!

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