Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Besides the goodies and the oranges and peanuts that Santa puts in our stockings, he seems to leave items that are useful or may come in handy. Of course there are also a few toys for the younger kiddos but if your looking for some handy or useful items here are a few ideas!

Survival Bracelets/Straps

Have you seen these? They are pretty neat and useful as well as fun to wear. My hubby learned how to make these when he went up to scout camp with our boys. Each bracelet has yards of paracord which you can unravel in just over a minute, and deploy the paracord for use in literally hundreds of ways—many of which could help save a life! They come in many different styles and colors.

Hand and feet warmers are always a great stocking stuffer, we buy these by the box full and have used them for all sorts of events. But my kids love to get them in their stockings and wear them to bed that night or save them for when they go out and play in the snow. They don't cost too much and they can last up to 10 hours.

My older 2 will be getting one of these this year. Multi-Purpose Tools are great and have so many handy things on them. Most have screwdrivers, scissors, knifes, needle nose pliers, etc.. Very hand and easy to carry. I keep one in my purse and have used it often, mine even has a flashlight. These come in many different price ranges depending on what you want.

5-in-1 Survival Whistles are wonderful and we have a rule that whistles are only to be blown outside. This year everyone is getting one of these so that they can add it to their 72 hour packs. The ones I purchased have a whistle, compass, signal mirror, water proof container and flint. Again, another inexpensive idea!

One last item is a personal mini first aid kit. Everyone will also be getting these in their stockings this year. Again, there are several types you can purchase and they come in various prices. The ones I have are similar to this picture and include 12 first aid items to clean, treat and protect wounds in a reclosable carton. Includes eight assorted Band-Aids, two antiseptic wipes and two gauze pads. Perfect to also carry in a 72 hour kit.

Hope this helps, what useful items do you have for your stockings this year?

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